Windshield Wiper Service Near Buena Park, CA

Windshield Wiper Replacement in Buena Park, CA

Windshield Wiper Replacement at Premier Chevrolet of Buena Park

When you’re on the road, you probably use your windshield wipers more than you realize. Whether the rain starts pelting your car or something just won’t seem to get off your windshield, your wipers are always there to take care of it. Over time, they can become damaged and frayed and may not work half as well as they used to. Visibility should be your first priority on the road, so when you find yourself in Santa Ana, Long Beach, or Anaheim, quick service at Premier Chevrolet of Buena Park is all you need to get back on the road safely.

How Do Wipers Get Damaged?

Wipers are in constant contact with your windshield, and over time, that friction will start to take its toll. If you find that you’re using your wipers when your windshield is relatively dry, that friction will compound and damage them much more quickly. Similarly, if you find that you’re trying to bat objects off with them that are either sticky or heavy, this will damage them as well. They were designed to handle little to no resistance when gliding across your glass, so your wipers may not be able to handle the consistent stress of moving large items, even if they seem more durable. Besides overall use, these are some of the most common factors when it comes to damaging them. The sun can also be a leading factor as to why they degrade over time. The ultraviolet light can accelerate the process that causes your wiper’s material to decay.

When Is It Time for New Ones?

When you can’t seem to enjoy your playlist because all you hear is the squeaking of your blades, it may be time for a replacement. This squeaking sound is a key sign that your wipers either don’t have enough fluid between them and the glass or that they may just be giving out. If you see long streaks across your windshield or spots that are still wet after a pass, your wipers may be making uneven contact with the surface of the windshield. The most concerning symptoms of bad blades are easily vibration and chattering noises, which can happen when they begin to move at an uneven rate due to damage.

How Do I Know What to Get?

Your car’s manual will outline the specific size that you need in order to replace them, however, the talented mechanics at Premier Chevy of Buena Park’s service center can better match your model and speed up the process. They can also examine the more intricate parts of your wiper blade system so that you don’t run into the same problems a few weeks later. With care, your new blades will last you anywhere between 6 months to a year. Seeing clearly is the most important part of driving, and with your new pristine wipers, you’ll be back on the road with no worries in no time.

When you need visibility, you can schedule an appointment both online or through a quick call with Premier Chevrolet of Buena Park to get back on the road safely.