Spark Plug Service Near Santa Ana, CA

close up view of spark plugs

Spark Plug Service at Premier Chevrolet of Buena Park

Every time you turn the key, there’s a surprising amount of work going on underneath the hood. Your car has to gear itself up for that one initial spark, but if your spark plugs aren’t ready, there’s a good chance that you won’t be going anywhere. If you’re worried about the condition of your spark plugs, then you can visit us at Premier Chevrolet of Buena Park for a quick diagnosis.

Why Won’t My Car Start?

When your car refuses to start, you’ll have to work your way down the list. You might immediately assume it’s the battery, but if that checks out, then it’s probably time to move on to the starter. If that part is in good shape too, then it could potentially be your alternator. A lot of drivers forget that while there are many different parts that contribute to starting your vehicle, your spark plugs are some of the most important. Without that initial spark, your engine isn’t going to be going anywhere. This spark comes at a cost though, as the electrodes in your spark plugs have to put up with some serious temperatures and even corrosive conditions. Like any other part of your car, they’re eventually going to start to wear away over time, which could be why your engine is currently refusing to turn over. If you’re near Santa Ana, Buena Park, or Fullerton, you can count on our mechanics at Premier Chevrolet of Buena Park to solve the issue.

Common Symptoms of Bad Spark Plugs

Since so many different parts contribute to your vehicle starting, you might not know how to narrow down the culprit. Generally, bad spark plugs will cause symptoms like:

  • Rocky Performance: If your power or your fuel economy seems to be less than normal, or you notice that your engine is vibrating for some reason, it could be from bad spark plugs. You might even have trouble passing start emission testing, depending on how severe the problem is.
  • Your Car Refuses to Start: If your other systems are checking out but your car still won’t start, then it might be due to your spark plugs.
  • Misfires: A worn-out spark plug can actually cause your engine to misfire, which can cause some considerable damage. If you notice that your check engine light is warning you when you accelerate, then it’s time to pull over. You don’t want to accidentally damage your model further.

How Long Will New Spark Plugs Last?

Spark plugs are known to last a long, long time, but this can depend on your model. For some models, you can expect them to last 30,000 miles while some can stretch as far as 100,000 miles. You’ll want to check your owner’s manual, as this should give you a good estimate for your vehicle. If you do need to replace your spark plugs, then it’s important to know that they’re usually replaced in sets. This ensures that you won’t run into a similar problem a few thousand miles down the road, and it ensures that your car’s engine has what it needs to provide you with great performance.

If you can’t get your car to start, then it might be time to have your spark plugs checked. You can schedule a service with our mechanics today at Premier Chevrolet of Buena Park.