Alternator Service in Buena Park, CA

Close up view of automotive alternator

Alternator Service at Premier Chevrolet of Buena Park

Your vehicle is a complex machine made up of a lot of components. One of the parts required for your vehicle to run is the alternator. Your alternator can leave you stranded on the streets of Buena Park, Los Angeles, or Santa Ana if it stops working. You can avoid problems with regular service at Premier Chevrolet of Buena Park.

How Your Alternator Works

Your alternator starts working when the ignition is triggered. The ignition provides energy to turn the rotor on the alternator. Once the rotor starts turning, it creates enough voltage to charge the battery. The battery starts the engine when it has enough energy. As you’re driving down the road, the alternator helps by providing extra power for the accessories.

If your alternator isn’t working the way it should, the battery may not hold a charge. You may find the battery needs to be jumped even if you’ve had it replaced recently. Some models have a light on the dash to let you know there’s a problem. Many vehicles don’t indicate trouble with the alternator until it quits completely.

Get Your Alternator Serviced

Sometimes you may see signs that the alternator is going bad. Make an appointment to have your vehicle serviced if you notice any of these issues:

  • The battery light doesn’t go off after starting the engine.
  • Lights dim when you turn the ignition.
  • The radio and lights shut down for a few seconds while you’re driving.
  • You hear squealing or grinding.
  • You smell burning rubber.

Schedule service with Premier Chevrolet of Buena Park right away if you begin having problems. Don’t wait to be stranded on the highway when our service team is here for you.

Trust Premier Chevrolet of Buena Park for Service

When you bring your vehicle in for service, our technicians will test the battery first. If it is old and at the end of its life, we’ll replace it. If the battery appears to be fine, we’ll look at the alternator next. We’ll let you know if one of the components needs to be replaced and provide an estimate of the cost.

Schedule an appointment with our service scheduler. You can also give us a call to set up your appointment. When you come in, you can relax in our waiting area while we figure out the problem with your alternator. We offer complimentary Wi-Fi while you wait. You can also use our shuttle service to take you home or to the office until the work is completed. Once the job is done, we’ll get you back to the service department to pick up your vehicle.

Our technicians have access to the latest tools and equipment to make fast and accurate repairs. We can get you back on the road right away in a vehicle that you can trust.

Let Premier Chevrolet of Buena Park help you keep your vehicle in prime running condition. Contact us for alternator service for your vehicle.